New guidelines have more teaching hospitals not only more carefully supervising new residents, but also shortening medical students’ hours; the goal is to promote and provide safety within the physician service sector, according to a recent press release. Georgia Health Sciences University is among the institutions that has eliminated … [Read more...]
More Teaching Hospitals to Shorten Resident Hours
Why Physician Compensation has “Flattened”
One reason physician compensation has reached its peak is because of the number of physician employment opportunities offered by hospitals throughout the nation. According to “Becker’s Hospital Review," the Medicus Firm's 2011 Physician Compensation Survey found that "in general, compensation was flat from 2009-2010. The average change in … [Read more...]
Medication Mistakes Among Top Medical Errors
Among the top errors in medicine are those concerning patients' medications. Mistakes occur when patients misuse prescription medications as well as when they are prescribed the wrong prescriptions by patient care providers. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that adverse drug events cause more than 700,000 emergency room … [Read more...]
Hospital Monopolies Drive Up Health Costs
Hospital Monopolies: The Biggest Driver of Health Costs That Nobody Talks About According to a recent post on, the healthcare reform debate revolves around how we pay and sell healthcare and related physician services. Insurers can monitor and restrict physicians from over charging, but are less able to restrict the biggest … [Read more...]
Study Shows Increase in Primary Care Physicians Prescribing Antidepressants
More patient care providers are prescribing antidepressants for symptoms, including headaches, menstrual cramps, and fatigue, as reported in "American Medical News." The study, which was featured in this month’s “Health Affairs,” found that “it is becoming more common for primary care doctors and other non-psychiatrist physicians to prescribe … [Read more...]