According to an article in a recent edition of “Fierce Healthcare," a new study has found that reported mortality rates used for hospital rankings are statistically imprecise with limited measures to compare quality of patient care. The article reported that "researchers who studied 42 children's hospitals had found that rankings are not as … [Read more...]
Hospital Rankings Often Based on Chance
Mandate Strives to Promote Excellent Patient Care
“American Medical News” recently released a news article that emphasized the importance of accuracy in terms of medical data patients research and use in order to find the best patient care to address and resolve injuries and illnesses. The article stated that “following a mandate in the health system reform law, the Centers for Medicare & … [Read more...]
What does the Future Hold for Radiologists?
It’s no secret that trend in physician services have private practice physicians closing up shop and becoming hospital employees. That trend will likely carry over to physicians specializing in radiology. “Diagnostic Imaging” recently reported that while the future for radiology is bright, that of radiologists might not be. “For radiologists, … [Read more...]
Healthcare Expert Voices Opinion on Medicare Cuts
In regards to the possible 2% cuts to Medicare, “The Wall Street Journal” recently printed an editorial in which one healthcare expert said that “congress would decree that U.S. medicine must provide the same level of patient care services, but do so for 98 cents on the current government dollar; that dollar is already below actual … [Read more...]
Hospital Physicians Face Insurance Maze
In a recent study, researchers asked a slew of physicians and administrators in private practices within the United States and Canada “how much time they spent each day with insurers and other third-party payers, tracking down information for claims that were denied or incorrectly paid, resolving questions about insurance coverage for prescription … [Read more...]