Doctors For America, a 50,000+ organization composed of medical students, hospital physicians, and others in physician services, have taken a stand against proposed Medicare cuts.
A news story reported that more than 1,500 of the patient care providers recently prepared and sent petitions to John Boehner, Speaker of the House, who works in the Troy, Ohio-based office. Petitions expressed the group’s opposition to Congress’ proposed Medicare cuts.
“Programs such as Medicare and Medicaid truly save lives,” said Dr. Don Nguyen, a member of the organization. “They give Americans an avenue to affordable, accessible healthcare.”
The goal of Doctors For America is to work toward an effective and affordable healthcare system that allows all Americans affordable, yet quality patient care.
Proposed Medicare and Medicaid cuts might take away from the organization’s goal, as well as the potential standard of care, in which this country is capable of providing to the American people.
“The proposed cuts will shift the cost of care onto those that can least afford it – seniors, children and the disabled,” said Dr. Nguyen.
In terms of alternative methods of action, Dr. Nguyen added, “Instead of such deep, widespread cuts, we must look to innovate within the system to develop new models of delivery and care.”