Some of the best Hospitalists in the industry.
At OPYS, our accomplished providers come from some of the best hospitals. Currently, there are more than 28,000 practicing Hospitalists providing physician services in the US according to SHM. Most all Hospitalists practice in half of the Nation’s community hospitals. At OPYS, we have some of the most experienced Hospitalists and Hospital Medicine Leaders.
Most qualified healthcare professionals.
Provide the most qualified group of healthcare professionals in order to provide leadership, collaboration, and teamwork.
Excellent results, and outstanding performance.
We provide continuous feedback reports utilizing both our data, and your data, to arrive at graphical analyses. In this fashion, we are able to demonstrate our performance in meeting and exceeding your expectations in all of our physician services.
Experienced, Residency Trained, Board Certified Physicians
We carefully select the very best outsourced physicians. OPYS Physicians come from some of the most Nationally renowned programs. It is at these programs that our doctors have honed their patient care and efficiency skills. From this background and training, OPYS providers are able to perform at a very high level.
Improved Patient Satisfaction & Key Metrics
Our outstanding team of physicians understands that EDs have increasingly played a critical role as a safety net provider in the community.
Board Certified Physicians
Residency Trained, Board Certified Physicians
Residency Trained
We have some of the Nation’s finest outsourced physicians, and providers, here to serve you!
Training & Experience
We have the experience, and
Hospital-based healthcare
Whether it’s a large medical center, or rural community hospital, our physicians have the experience.
Patient Centered
Compassionate, evidence-based healthcare.
Patient Centered healthcare
We provide only the very best Patient care and physician services.
Our Physicians, Your Success®
Browse our website to learn more about OPYS and our physician outsourcing. To request more information call us at (800) 526-OPYS, or
Why Choose OPYS
At OPYS, we provide niche physician services, coupled with proven success. Our select physicians have succeeded as staff physicians, and medical directors, at some of the finest rural, community, and tertiary care medical centers, Nationwide. This experience has resulted in a physician network that is committed to quality, efficient, and patient-centered healthcare, through the provision of hospital-based outsourced physician services.
Our physicians specialize in fixing throughput and other quality and metric inhibitors. We have significant experience in turning quality and performance measures around. In addition to extensive training and expertise, our commitment and dedication ensure success.
Our Hospitalists are performance oriented, and are incentivized on:
- Rapid ED admissions
- Early morning hospital discharges
- Average Hospital Length of Stay Reduction
- Prompt in-patient consults
OPYS Hospitalist Program Keys to Success:
- Effective Leadership & Oversight
- Appropriate Staffing & Scheduling
- Effective Systems for Communication & Care Transition
- Performance Monitoring & Improvement
- Contact OPYS today, for more information on how we can help you HM program! (800) 526-OPYS, or contact us.
Essential Part of Healthcare in the US
OPYS Hospitalists provide efficient and quality centered patient care. Additionally, our expert Hospital Medicine Leadership team can develop physician service models that meet your unique needs. Our team has extensive metric performance experience, and we can help you meet your benchmark goals. We provide a continuum of quality care best practice accomplishment.