How could pairing up with ambulatory surgery centers help providers of physician services?
Well, according to Lanson J. Hyde, chief operating officer of Surgical Development Partners, based in Franklin, Tenn., there are five excellent ways patient care providers can benefit from teaming up with ASCs.
In the recent article, “5 Reasons Physicians Should Partner With Hospitals on ASCs,” published in Becker’s ASC Review, Lanson explains that the first reason is because “some hospitals are shedding the traditional view that ASCs are a threat and are getting interested in partnering with physician service providers on centers.”
“Non-profit hospitals in particular are waking up to the potential of partnering with physicians on new centers,” said Dr. Hyde.
His second reason, higher net revenue, occurs when surgery centers see higher net revenues, when partnered with hospitals, as opposed to operating as single facilities.
“This revenue increase falls straight to the bottom line and is usually material,” said Dr. Hyde.
The third, more case volume, he explains, happens because it is typically easier for ASCs to find cases when they are working with larger hospitals. And providers of physician services
tend to be loyal to the hospitals, with which they partner.
“These physicians are not going to come use a facility that competes with the hospital,” said Dr. Hyde, “but it’s not a problem any more when the facility is affiliated with the hospital.”
Since “lenders generally see hospital-partnered ASCs as safer and more stable than stand-alone facilities,” as Dr. Hyde explains in the article, physicians who partner with ASCs could experience reason number four, which is better access to funding.
Finally, the fifth and final reason Dr. Hyde lists, which, I believe, might possibly be the key reason: peace of mind.
“There is a certain peace of mind that comes when you partner with the 800-pound gorilla instead of having to look over your shoulder all the time,” said Dr. Hyde.