Experienced, Residency Trained, Board Certified Physicians
We carefully select the very best outsourced physicians. OPYS Physicians come from some of the most Nationally renowned programs. It is at these programs that our doctors have honed their patient care and efficiency skills. From this background and training, OPYS providers are able to perform at a very high level.

Training & Experience
At OPYS, our physicians actively practice in both Rural and Urban facilities. Experienced in a variety of rural, suburban, and local Rural communities, we understand the needs of Critical Access and Community Hospitals. Combined with the experience of leading trauma centers, and tertiary care facilities, OPYS Physicians bring the necessary balance of experience, depth, and integration to our partner hospitals. We provide complete source, recruiting, credentialing, onboarding, scheduling, management, and oversight of our physician and advance practice services.
Our Physicians, Your Success®
Browse our website to learn more about OPYS and our physician outsourcing. To request more information call us at (800) 526-OPYS, or